cheap HD180 / not special for Macintosh

Raimund Riem riem at ztivax.UUCP
Tue Aug 8 22:21:49 AEST 1989

We bought a cheap internal HD180 (SCSI) from Fujitsu for about 2300.- DM
($1000). It has a mounting size of 3.5". This HD is not special for
the Macintosh.

We connected the HD to the SCSI Port and tried to inititialize it
with the HDInstall program. The program did not recognize the connected
Hadrdisk. We found out (with FEdit), that in the HDInstall program is stored
a list of the internal SCSI names of all Apple product HDs. We changed one
name to the name of our Fujitsu HD and... HDInstall recognized the new
Hd, because the HD was formatted by the manufactor, formatting was not allowed.
"Testing" the HD by the HDInstall program failed also after some minutes.

In the next step we used the program "SCSITools". With the help of this 
program we wrote a driver to the Harddisk. After rebooting the Macintosh II,
the Finder recognized the Fujitsu HD and told us, that he he has to initialize
the Harddisk. After that the Filesystem was installed and everthing works fine
with this Fujitsu Harddisk.

We want to use this disk with some partitions for AUX. But HDInstall fails to 
install or to test this HD. The generic driver in AUX 1.0 also failed.
Has someone an idea what to do ?
Only for the MacOS its a cheap solution to get a big capacity. (and a fast one,
because average accesstime is about 25ms). But for AUX we have still problems.

Thanks in advance.
Raimund Riem, Steinsdorfstrasse 6, D-8000 Muenchen, West Germany
@riem at ztivax

Keywords: cheap HD, Fujitsu

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