More Fun With Dick and Jane

a.e.mossberg aem at
Wed Aug 16 00:50:56 AEST 1989

mike at ut-emx.UUCP (Mike O'Donnell) writes:
>Response from local dealer was "We check it out".  Well three months
>later they are still checking it out with no apparent success.  Meanwhile,
>our Mac II AUX system is now running the MacOS.  We give up.  

I've just lobotomized another of our Macs in order to get *someone* to 
use them.  Has anyone ever received A/UX 1.1 manual updates?  We got
the 1.1 tape from our tech. rep., but never any doc updates.


a.e.mossberg - aem at at umiami.BITNET - Pahayokee Bioregion
I have a simple philosophy. Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where
it itches.				- Alice Roosevelt Longworth

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