aux 1.1 and MAC IIci

arpp arpp at
Mon Dec 18 05:06:21 AEST 1989

In article <580 at> segedy at (Cathy Segedy) writes:
>Hello.  I am posting this for my fiance, although I am curious too.  Does
>anyone know of any reason why a disk with AUX 1.1 (working fine on a MACIIcx),
>will not boot on a MACIIci?  Oh, its an 80 meg, if that makes some sort of
>difference (I shouldn't think it would!!!)

Apple released A/UX 1.1.1 for support of both the Mac IIci and the SE/30.
A/UX release 1.1.1 is identical to release 1.1 with the additional capacity
of being able to run on the IIci and SE/30. 

The IIci requires that you use system software version 6.0.4. System software
6.0.4 is provided with A/UX 1.1.1.  Also, A/UX 1.1.1 comes equiped to support
a smaller console screen font when used with the SE/30.

James A. Blair
Operating Systems Support Engr.
applelink: jamesb

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