Telebit Trailblazer + and A/UX

Paul Campbell paul at taniwha.UUCP
Sat Jan 7 03:53:15 AEST 1989

In article <590 at comdesign.CDI.COM> pst at comdesign.CDI.COM (Paul Traina) writes:
>From article <150 at radar.UUCP>, by root at radar.UUCP (root):
>> Has anyone used a Telebit Trailblazer Plus modem with a Mac II under
>> A/UX?  I'm curious about what arrangements were used for flow control,
>> how it worked communicating with the Mac at 19.2K, and what kind of
>> throughput with uucp communicating with another TB+ was obtained.
>have no way of detecting carrier).  uucico seems to be configurable
>to only 9600 baud.  I made a cursory stab at trying to get it to run
>19.2k, but had no immediate success, so I just dropped in in at 9600.
>Mac II <-> Sun 3/280 --- about 890 characters/sec (limited because of 9600
>baud on the Mac...sigh).

I use a TB too I get 11kb average throughput when sending/receiving news
(the TB wont go much faster ...). I set it up for 19200 as below ....
(note I don't use the internal ports, I have an extra serial cardthat  'knows'
about the G protocol ... change the names/faces/devices to suit)

In L.sys I have:

fred Any,10 ttyc1 19200 ttyc1 "" \dA\dAT\r OK-AAAAT\r-OK \dATM0Q0V1S7=60S50=255S111=30\r OK ATDT111-1111\r CONNECT\sFAST "" in:-\r-in: Uxxxxxxx assword: xxxxxxx

In L-devices:

DIR	ttyc1	ttyc1	19200


Paul Campbell			..!{unisoft|mtxinu}!taniwha!paul (415)420-8179
Taniwha Systems Design, Oakland CA

 	"Read my lips .... no GNU taxes"

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