A/UX generic SCSI driver and Syquest 44Mb removable drives

Michael McClary michael at xanadu.COM
Tue Jan 3 16:35:29 AEST 1989

In article <4370 at Portia.Stanford.EDU>, name at Portia.Stanford.EDU (tony cooper) writes:
> But the generic SCSI driver that A/UX uses does not work with the Syquest.
> It produces the error "More data than SCSI device requested" when trying
> to read or write to the drive.
> Thanks,
> Tony Cooper
> name at portia.stanford.EDU

Are you hanging the Syquest and another drive on the SCSI bus at the
same time?

I saw that same error message under 1.0 when I mixed a Jasmine (300 MB Wren)
with a Quantum (80 MB 3-1/2").  (I'm not sure if the non-disclosure agreement
covers posting the symptoms under 1.1 Beta 3.)

Turned out the Quantum firmware (6.8 00) had a bug.  When disconnecting, it
neglected to tell the initiator to save pointers.  Come the reconnect, blooie! 

Solution was to get new firmware from Quantum.  ((7.9 00) fixes that bug,
but poses another:  It runs a 20+ second self-test.  Mix it with a drive that
wakes up faster and the finder decides it isn't there.)

Suggestion for Apple:  Think seriously about having the SCSI driver save the
pointers even if the drive doesn't ask you to.  Sure, it means a little more
code, to support somebody else's bug.  But the bug doesn't manefest under
finder, so when it shows up under A/UX it looks like YOUR fault, not the

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michael at xanadu.com	(Haveta move my .signature one of these daze...)
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