A/UX in Canada

Ryan Jorgenson ryan
Sat Jun 10 06:59:58 AEST 1989

Can ANYBODY answer a few SIMPLE questions about A/UX?  Apparently none
of the "Official" sources here in Canada can.

I've tried all the "Authorized Apple Dealers" and even APPLE CANADA;
no answers.  Here are the questions:
    What does the Documenter's Workbench contain?
	(From a recent net article, I gather that it does include
	versions of troff, nroff, etc, but that was more than 
	Apple Canada could tell me!!!)

    What does the Programmer's Workbench contain?
	(I have been trying to find out if A/UX includes a C compiler,
	 a native code assembler, YACC, LEX, etc, but nobody can tell
	me.  They all point out that it includes "C-shell, Bourne shell
	and Korne (sp?) shells", but its obvious that they don't understand
	the difference between a shell and a compiler)

    How do I get A/UX in Canada?
	(APPLE Canada tells me that they are "in the process of laying the
	foundations for the Authorization procedures to allow dealers to
	sell the product".  How's that again? A/UX has been around HOW long
	and they haven't even decided who is authorized to sell it in 
	Canada?!?!?!!  Worse still, they tell me that until they have
	authorized dealers to carry A/UX, I can't buy it in Canada?
	(Reminds me of a certain classic TV commercial: Only in America you
	say? Pity.)  
		The Authorized Apple Dealer I talked to said that the word 
	he got from APPLE Canada was that they MIGHT sell A/UX to me IF I 
	could prove that I wasn't going to need support.  HOLD ON A SECOND!
	Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't APPLE supposed to be TRYING to 
	sell A/UX? Rather than fighting tooth and claw to PREVENT a sale?

Is there ANYBODY in Canada running A/UX? If so, HOW DID YOU PRY IT OUT OF

     If I can manage to pry A/UX out of Apple Canada, how hard can it be
     to get it up and running? (I presently administer a network of 10
     Sun Workstations running SunOS, and I am reasonably familiar with the
     System V UNIX environment as well.) 

     Sorry about all the flames here, but I can't understand why Apple is 
     so anti-A/UX here in Canada.

     If anybody can answer any of these questions, I would appreciate it.

Disclaimer: any and all opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily
  reflect those of the company.
ryan at amc-vlsi.uucp		|	Ryan Jorgenson
ryan at amc-vlsi.ucalgary.ca	|	The Alberta Microelectronic Centre
				|	Calgary, Alberta Canada
Disclaimer: any and all opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily
  reflect those of the company.

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