Problems with A/UX System Time

David Lassner david at
Sat Jun 24 04:24:35 AEST 1989

I just brought A/UX 1.1 up on a new cx and can't seem to
get it to know what time it is.  I've got my NVRAM clock
set ok.  The GMT offset in the SASH settings is ok (-10 hrs
/ 600 minutes).  And the date command in SASH knows what
time it is just fine, although it reports the current PDT

But regardless of what I put in /etc/zoneinfo/localtime and
/etc/TIMEZONE I get a time from A/UX which isn't obviously
related to the MacOS time or SASH time.  I.e. even the
minutes are wrong.   However it does pick up the alpha for
the time zone (HST) correctly.  If I issue a new date
command to reset the time for A/UX, it immediately reports
back a time which is off by 30 minutes from the time to
which I just set it.

I must be missing something obvious, but I sure can't find
it in either the Installation Guide or Local System Admin
Manual.  Will appreciate any suggestions.
David Lassner, University of Hawaii Computing Center, 808/948-7351
INTERNET: david at      BITNET: david at uhccux

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