Academic workstations -- Followups to comp.unix.questions ONLY

Alexis Rosen spector at
Mon Jun 12 04:18:54 AEST 1989

Barry Shein posted a message proclaiming the virtues of network servers.
I don't have anything to say pro or con for this position- I'll leave
that to those better qualified. He also stated that the Mac has very
slow disk channel speed, and quoted an average time for small disks of

This number is ridiculous. Even the Mac Plus can do better than that.
You'll see about 50KB/sec. with cheap 20-30MB disks. You can do quite a
bit better with the faster ones. But this article wasn't discussing
Mac Pluses, but rather Mac IIs. And the difference between the two is vast.

I have attached to my machine three disks: and old Quantum Q280, a
Wren III half-height (90MB), and a Wren Runner full-height (320MB).
The old Quantum, which has a lousy controller, does about 5Mbit/sec.,
or abuot 625KB/sec. - roughly 31 times faster than Barry's estimate.
The Wrens are much faster. The (also old) Wren III does better than
1MByte/sec., and the Runner (which is the fastest disk 5.25" disk I
know of) consistantly does better than 1.5MBytes/sec, more than 75
times faster than Barry's claim.

For all this, I won't say the Mac has a particularly fast disk
channel. It doesn't, and it has no provision for DMA. Fortunately,
this will be corrected this summer. Apple will likely be introducing a
macine with a faster DMA SCSI controller. Even if it doesn't, though,
for $600 you'll be able to buy a synchronous SCSI DMA board that
should drive disks like the Wrens at about 4MB/sec. (burst, of course,
since disks can't suck up information that quickly off their platters).

Alexis Rosen
spector at (temporary guest account)
alexis at  (last resort)

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