Academic workstations : Macintosh ...

George Kyriazis kyriazis at rpics
Tue Jun 13 06:11:15 AEST 1989

In article <1209 at uvm-gen.UUCP> cavrak at uvm-gen.UUCP (Steve Cavrak,113 Waterman,6561483,) writes:
>As a "generic" machine, the Macintosh is probably a better bet ---
> ...
>2.  even when they are NOT obsolete, they can be used in both the A/UX
>    environment and the Macintosh enviornment.  This gives a nice degree...

But you CANNOT use Mac's running A/UX!  Believe me, I tried! 

  George Kyriazis
  kyriazis at
  kyriazis at

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