Mac //x compile times under A/UX

Paul Campbell paul at taniwha.UUCP
Wed Mar 15 03:47:36 AEST 1989

In article <867 at Portia.Stanford.EDU> cracker at Portia.Stanford.EDU (John Danner) writes:
>Here is a chart of compile times for several machines in our lab
>for approximately 1820 lines of C source with comments:


Actually when comparing compilers in this manner you should first run the
source through cpp, because some systems may include many more .h files
than you expect (from includes within includes within .....).


Paul Campbell, Taniwha Systems Design, Oakland CA ..!mtxinu!taniwha!paul 
"'Give me your tired, your poor - I'll piss on them' that`s what the
Statue of Bigotry sais. 'Let`s club them to death, get it over with
and just dump them on the Boulevard'" - Lou Reed, "New York"

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