*here* is ds, a nice df replacement.

Tim Endres time at oxtrap.UUCP
Mon Mar 27 02:12:10 AEST 1989

This is a nice replcement for the awfully inadequate
System V implementation of df.

# This script filters the miserable output of "df -t"
# through an awk script which amkes it more meaningful.
df -t |
awk 'BEGIN {\
		printf "%-20s %-20s %-8s %5s  %-5s\n",\
				"Mount Point", "Device", "FreeBlks", "Megs", "%Free";\
	if ($1 != "total") {\
		mntpt = $1;\
		device = $2;\
		freeblks = $3;\
	else {\
		printf "%-20s %-20s %8d %5.1f %5.1f%%\n",\
			mntpt, device, freeblks, freeblks/2000.0, (freeblks/$2)*100.0;\

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