A/UX 1.1 and Mac OS binary.

Hock-Koon Lim lim at cwlim.CWRU.EDU
Wed Mar 1 04:15:48 AEST 1989

  In Feb 20, 1989 issue of Unix Today they is a report about new products to be
announce at the UniForum from Apple computer.

  "Apple computer also made its big UNIX announcement of the season recently 
with Version 1.1 of A/UX, which supports both Mac OS and A/UX binaries.."

  Is anyone out there heard anything more about these?  The question I have is
how transparent will the Mac OS application run on A/UX.  Will the following
Mac OS application can run on A/UX v1.1?

     -- AutoCad for mac
     -- Wordperfect
     -- Excel
     -- Mathematica
     -- Adobe Illustrator
     -- Micro-Planner Plus
     -- Omnipage
     -- Apple scanner
     -- Hyper card

  I would also like to know other application that will run under A/UX v1.1. 
Hock Koon Lim, A. R. Jennings Computing Center	           
Case Western Reserve University; Cleveland, Ohio, USA  44106   
(216) 368-2982        lim at cwlim.cwru.edu

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