Future direction of A/UX?
Ron Widell
ron at motmpl.UUCP
Sun May 28 07:22:28 AEST 1989
In article <3387 at ursa-major.SPDCC.COM> dyer at ursa-major.spdcc.COM (Steve Dyer) writes:
-In article <2094 at ccnysci.UUCP> alexis at ccnysci.UUCP (Alexis Rosen) writes:
->2) When is the porting base going to be moved to SVR3? There are some very
-> significant problems with SVR2, in particular with serial line control
-> and modems. These problems are apparently fixed in R3.
----------^^^^^^------- Note this!
-There may be a lot of good reasons to switch from Vr2 to Vr3 (pardon me
-if they escape me right now), but this isn't one of them. If it wasn't
-obvious, the low-level device drivers for the Mac II aren't provided by
-AT&T, and anyway, anything not working in A/UX should be able to be fixed
-without an upgrade to Vr3. I would suspect that any problem with serial
-lines is a peculiarity of the Unisoft/Apple implementation.
-Steve Dyer
-dyer at ursa-major.spdcc.com aka {ima,harvard,rayssd,linus,m2c}!spdcc!dyer
-dyer at arktouros.mit.edu
Sorry, but IMHO, this is a very good reason for moving from Release 2 to
Release 3. Prior to Release 3, you had to do some very kludgy hacking to
get dial-in/dial-out on the same line. It was not pretty and is an
administrative hassle. With the advent of uugetty on Release 3, it's a
very simple task.
Ron Widell, Field Applications Eng. |UUCP: {...}mcdchg!motmpl!ron
Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., |Voice:(612)941-6800
9600 W. 76th St., Suite G | I'm from Silicon Tundra,
Eden Prairie, Mn. 55344 -3718 | what could I know?
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