A/UX with third-party drive?
goldfarb at hcx9.UCF.EDU
goldfarb at hcx9.UCF.EDU
Tue May 16 13:40:00 AEST 1989
/* Written 6:21 pm May 8, 1989 by ron at motmpl.UUCP in hcx9:comp.unix.aux */
>->Also, if anyone knows of a good third-party cartridge tape which would
>->work for this set-up I'd be interested in hearing about it.
>-Ditto! I'd really like to see something that uses DC-600's and has a
>-driver for A/UX (obviously). Let me know what kind of responses you get.
>Double ditto!! If anyone knows of such a beast (tape drive for DC-600's
>on a MAC][ with a driver for A/UX) don't keep it a secret. Let the whole
>world know!
I've got some more information obliquely related to the subject. One
of my Apple insider confidants told me that the Irwin Magnetics 5080
(80 Mb DC2000 product) is a good unit to buy; however, he didn't know
whether or not Irwin planned to support A/UX. Reviews I have read
support his conclusion about the quality of the drive. I called my
local dealer and told them to do the work of calling Irwin to smoke out
the information. The response was that although there is no software
support for A/UX at present, it is being worked on.
I guess the scale is something like this:
> <being contemplated> <planned> <being worked on> <in alpha> <real-soon-now> <
To that extent, I don't think an immediate purchase would be wise. However,
this tape drive (retail $1695) has been getting raves, so I think the situation
bears further investigation. If anyone from Irwin or who has direct knowledge
of the availability of the A/UX driver and backup utilities is listening,
please comment!
Ben Goldfarb uucp: {decvax,peora}!ucf-cs!goldfarb
University of Central Florida Internet: goldfarb at hcx9.ucf.edu
Department of Computer Science BITNET: goldfarb at ucf1vm.BITNET
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