Printing under A/UX 1.1, what 3rd party comm board to get?
John R. Galloway
jrg at Apple.COM
Wed May 24 15:33:01 AEST 1989
My understanding of printing to a laserwriter IINT under A/UX is as follows
1) the hw connection to the printer is a serial line (at least at the
MacII end, perhaps a special connector at the LW II end)
2) said line can either be run in raw mode or appletalk mode
3) A/UX can dump a postscript file out a serial port and hence print
but, it does not support appletalk over the MACII std serial ports
and hence a Mac App running under A/UX can not print. It is possible
but difficult, to get a Mac App to dump poscript, which could then
be written to the serial port.
4) Appletalk IS supported under A/UX with 3rd part intelligent comm
cards such as SuperMac, whose use will allow normal printing under
A/UX my Mac Apps.
My questions are:
0) any misunderstandings in the above?
1) Are there any other comm cards besides SUperMac that will fufill this
function (run appletalk under A/UX)? Any pros or cons on any of them
or on SuperMac's?
2) If the hardware support for the MacII serial ports is so poor that
A/UX can not handle appletalk what happens with other high speed serial
connections like a 19.2 modem or a dedicated uucp line to another
unix box? Do I need another com board for these uses? (the supermac
comm can be EITHER an appletalk board or a mutlti port board but
NOT both at once).
Thanks in advance, those that answered my similar disk question have convinced
me that my decision to get a MicroNet Wren disk (SBX300 or 330) is the right
way to go, thanks for your input!
apple!jrg John R. Galloway, Jr. contract programmer, San Jose, Ca
These are my views, NOT Apple's, I am a GUEST here, not an employee!!
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