Upgrading a MacII

3929 uucibg at swbatl.UUCP
Mon Sep 11 04:19:18 AEST 1989

Well, I'm still trying to figure out how to upgrade my (now almost obsolete)
MacII.  So, the questions:

1) Is there some compelling reason to go the "blessed" route from a II to a
IIx?  For example, is Apple going to offer a 16Mhz to 25Mhz upgrade for the
IIx?  Or how about a IIx to IIci upgrade?

2) According to MacUser magazine, the Dove 68030 upgrade for the MacII is a
very nice deal, especially when I look at the mail order prices and the
performance in comparison to a II.  So, is it A/UX compatible?  Will it be
System 7.0 compatible?  Are there people out there who have dealt with these
beasts who can give an opinion of them?  Does it prevent you from getting
the Apple drive upgrade (I can't think of a reason why it should but...)?

3) Any other recommendations?

4) I'm not an official developer (can you say $$?) so I don't know if there
are things that have been hinted at which might make some of the boards 
a bad choice.  I'm certainly still in the "what's out there" stages so
I'd appreciate any advice folks.

My objectives: I want to use the mac for fun (of course) but most of my time
on it is spent developing.  I want something that is likely to remain
compatible with future versions of the OS and can deal with A/UX (this is where
I'd like to end up eventually....no, I take that back; I'd like to be running
Mach or some derivative thereof).

Brian R. Gilstrap    ...!{ {killer,bellcore}!texbell, uunet }!swbatl!uucibg
One Bell Center      +----------------------------------------------------------
Rm 17-G-4            | "Winnie-the-Pooh read the two notices very carefully,
St. Louis, MO 63101  | first from left to right, and afterwards, in case he had
(314) 235-3929       | missed some of it, from right to left."   -- A. A. Milne
Me, speak for my company?  You must be joking.  I'm just speaking my mind.

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