Mac and A/UX

Chuq Von Rospach chuq at Apple.COM
Thu Sep 14 06:30:18 AEST 1989

cander at unisoft.UUCP (Charles Anderson) writes:

>From article <34671 at apple.Apple.COM>, by chuq at Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach):
>> It's System VR3 with a number of Berkeley extensions...

>I hate to disagree with someone for apple, but I believe A/UX is based
>on SVR2 not SVR3.

My apologies, you're correct. An off-by-one error on the part of my



Chuq Von Rospach      <+>     Editor,OtherRealms     <+>     Member SFWA/ASFA
         chuq at   <+>  CI$: 73317,635  <+>  AppleLink: CHUQ
      [This is myself speaking. No company can contr
Segmentation Fault. Core dumped.

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