What do you get with A/UX ?

dragos ruiu at dragos.uucp
Fri Sep 29 12:14:30 AEST 1989

  My roommate is very seriously considering getting A/UX for his shiny
new (and just fixed after being DOA) IIcx. The Canadian prices for it are 
$500 for media and $700 for printed docs.

  The only vendors of it around here is the university bookstore, whose sales
staff errr... leave a lot to be desired. (Kind of like trying to get help
from a rock.)

  The $700 for docs sounds out of line initially, but considering the price
of Sun docs, maybe not. I have access to and possess a lot of documentation
for several variants of unix myself. My roommate is trying to finance this
on a student's budget, and would like to know if the documentation is strictly
  So if I could ask some kind netter to substitute for the poor local sales
staff, I'd like to ask a few questions:
  Do you get on-line manual pages ? 
  Do you get sources to any docs ? (I know wishful thinking.)
  Is the majority of the documentation necessary to run the system or are
  only small parts Apple specific ?
  Just what do you get for $700 ?

  Thanks Kindly in Advance.
Dragos Ruiu          |  Programming Languages:
alberta!dragos!ruiu  |		
uunet!myrias!dr      |   find / -name \*\[fF\]77\* -exec rm -rf {} \;
bbs: (403) 439-0229  |

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