Where is fgetpwent?

Dennis Chen dchen at Apple.COM
Sat Sep 30 10:53:05 AEST 1989

In article <14126 at shamash.cdc.com> jdh at shamash.cdc.com (Jeff Holmbeck) writes:
>Has anyone else run into this problem?  I am programming on AUX 1.1 and
>want to read local passwd and group files.  According to the Programmer's
>Reference Manual, fgetpwent(3) and fgetgrent(3) are available to do 
>this.  However, if I try to compile a program with these functions, cc
>issues an ld error message claiming fgetpwent and fgetgrent are 
>undefined.  The functions getpwent(3) and getgrent(3) which read the 
>system passwd and group files work fine.
>Any insight would be appreciated.  Thanks.
>Jeff Holmbeck
>Control Data Corporation

There seems was a name misuse on the fgetpwent() function in the
getpwlocal.o module of /lib/libc.a in A/UX 1.1.  The work around for 
this is to use local_fgetpwent() instead of fgetpwent()

Dennis Chen
Apple Computer, Inc.

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