AU/X as a mail/news machine?

Steve Lemke steve at cpdaux.UUCP
Tue Sep 19 21:39:45 AEST 1989

In article <1989Sep16.042214.632 at servalan.uucp> rmtodd at servalan.UUCP (Richard Todd) writes:
} Funny, I work almost the reverse.  I run A/UX most of the time, and boot
}MacOS only to run terminal-emulation programs to dial out to BBSes and
}download files.  (If anyone's gotten Pcomm or some other Unix-based 
}terminal emulation program to work on A/UX, I wanna hear about it!)

For calling BBSes and downloading, can't you just use Kermit?  In fact, for
BBSes where you don't need to download you can just use cu...  If you're
running term, you can just open another window for communications, and still
be doing other stuff in other windows.  I sometimes do this if I need to call
somewhere while running A/UX.  However, I haven't tried Navigator (for
Compu$erve) under A/UX, and I'm sure Prodigy doesn't work under A/UX, so I
do have to go back to MacOS for that stuff.  Usually, I boot MacOS first and
run the MacOS stuff, after which I boot A/UX and let the news stuff happen.
----- Steve Lemke ------------------- "MS-DOS (OS/2, etc.) - just say no!"
----- Internet: cpdaux!steve at                GEnie:  LEMKE
----- Or try:   apple!cpdaux!steve               CompuServe:  73627,570
----- Quote:    "What'd I go to college for?"   "You had fun, didn't you?"

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