System Crashes, maybe EtherPort card

Henry Melton qfhca81 at memqa.uucp
Tue Dec 11 03:26:45 AEST 1990

I have had four system crashes today.  Real crashes where the screen goes
spotty and screams Double Panic.  This has been building up for some time now,
but today was by far the worst.  The diagnostics printed on the screen always
say Trap Type 4.  The offending applications have been 'in.routed', 'sendmail'
(twice) and 'XmacII'.  In all cases, things were happening on the network, but
the actual cpu or memory loading on the system weren't overly heavy.  

Additional information: 
AUX 2.0
Mac IIfx
the old Kinetics Etherport card running the AUX 1.1 driver.
8mb RAM.

I suspect the old ethernet card driver.  Has anyone else had similar 
problems?  Are there any tuning changes I can make to test this theory?
If all else fails, what is the best ethernet card to replace mine with?

Henry Melton  qfhca81 at 
{slow}  qfhca81 at memqa   ..!!execu!sequoia!memqa!qfhca81
{home}  henry at hutto     ..!!hutto!henry

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