Personal System Folders and NFS

John Coolidge coolidge at
Wed Dec 5 16:46:23 AEST 1990

steveg at (Steve Green) writes:
>I have a CONSISTANT problem where code compiled on an NFS mount does not work
>correctly or even at all.  What is strange is that all of the phases work
>fine except for the ld phase.  I was told to turn off the biod's because of a 
>race condition..  this did not help me but I understand that it has helped
>some others...

I've got this one... most of the time. When compiling to disks from
the Encore server, I get bad links (the link finishes cleanly, but
the resulting image is damaged, often in strange and interesting
ways). On the other hand, when the remote server is a Sun or an A/UX
machine, I've never seen this problem.

The problem doesn't happen with small programs: hello world works
10 out of 10. Big programs (nn, gcc, g++, etc) always fail.


John L. Coolidge     Internet:coolidge at   UUCP:uiucdcs!coolidge
Of course I don't speak for the U of I (or anyone else except myself)
Copyright 1990 John L. Coolidge. Copying allowed if (and only if) attributed.
You may redistribute this article if and only if your recipients may as well.

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