I want my startup messages...

Chan Wilson [Animal] cwilson at NISC.SRI.COM
Sat Dec 1 08:41:13 AEST 1990

I'm perverted.  I like to see what my system is up to when it's booting.
This thermometer idear is nice, but hardly useful for debugging or other
hackish activities.  Trouble is, I can't locate anything in our non-existent
manuals about this topic...



Chan Wilson                                  Chief Hard-Question Answer Person
SRI Intl. Network Information Systems Center
333 Ravenswood Ave., EJ287			Internet: cwilson at nisc.sri.com
Menlo Park, CA., 94025				Phone: (415)859-4492
    "If I want to be a surfer this month, I bloody well will be."

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