turning off A/UX welcome message (how)???

Mike Braden mwb at hobbes.ncsu.edu
Thu Dec 27 08:46:56 AEST 1990

In article <768 at nih-csl.nih.gov> jmurphy at helix.nih.gov (Joe Murphy) writes:
>Does anybody know how to kill the A/UX welcome message:
>*                                                                             *
>*                       W E L C O M E   T O   A / U X                         *
>*                                                                             *
>that you get when you login? Or how to change it??? Could not find
>a reference in the manuals.

I think this message is contained in a file called motd.  It stands for
message of the day.  It is printed every time a user logs in.  I don't
remember where it is located, but you can find it with the Find File DA.

Hope this helps.


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