A/UX nameserver, THINK C debugger

Bob Kierski bobo at pecan15.cray.com
Fri Dec 21 11:15:33 AEST 1990

In article <1990Dec20.202813.2799 at engin.umich.edu>, kleinow at caen.engin.umich.edu (leonard kleinow) writes:
|> Could someone please tell me how to add a nameserver to A/UX?
|> It's a pain to add everyplace into /etc/hosts...  I'm sure
|> this is simple to do, but can't find it anywhere. 
|> Also, is there a way to make the THINK C debugger work under A/UX 2.0?
|> I'm using THINK C 4.0.4 (updated from the 7.0b1 CD).

If you really want to the nameserver to run on your machine (I don't
think you do) then you edit /etc/inittab.  There is a line

	"net0:2:off:/etc/named /etc/named.boot....."

that you change the "off" to "wait" as it indicates.  Then you read the named
man page for setting up your /etc/named.boot file.

However, if you are in the same situation as I, you want to use the name
server on someone elses machine and let them maintain the hosts file.  In
this case you create /etc/resolv.conf to look like this:

domain ?????.?????
nameserver ??.??.??.??

the man page on resolver(4) tells more.

Have a day,

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