mounting drives

Richard Todd rmtodd at servalan.uucp
Sat Jul 14 11:13:11 AEST 1990

phil at (Phil Hunt) writes:
>In article <1208 at idunno.Princeton.EDU>, MARCELO at (MARCELO) writes...
>}     I'm having a bit of a problem getting 2 of my HDs to mount when I 
>}launch AUX .. One is a Dataframe 20 SCSI ID 6 and the other is a MicroTech 
>}remov (Syquest) SCSI ID 4 .. I know AUX sees them because I get an error 
>}message when first starting up AUX (something about too much SCSI data) .. 

>I am having the SAME PROBLEM!!!   I hope what Apple has told me isn't true,
>because they told me that they only recognize Mac Drives using the APPLE driver,
>which you can't get on a third party drive because HD SC Setup will not work
>with third party drives!!
  Bull hockey.  Complete unmitigated bull hockey.  A/UX works with a good
many third party hard drives just fine, thank you.  This A/UX box is
connected to a 330M (non-Apple) external drive which has most of it
allocated to A/UX.  True, Apple HD SC Setup will not recognize non-Apple
drives.  There are two ways around this: patch HD SC Setup to take out the
check for the Apple drive ID, or use a third-party formatter like
SilverLining by LaCie.  I recommend the latter method; SilverLining's
fairly inexpensive (~$80, last I checked), and seems to be a good deal more
flexible than the HD SC Setup program as far as partitioning schemes goes.

  Now, on to your problem.  The SyQuest removable drive is notorious for not
being compatible with A/UX as-is; the problem is that the default setting
for one of the SCSI parameters in the "mode page" is set in a way that the
A/UX drivers don't like.  There's an INIT available from the sumex archives
that you can install in your MacOS partition which sets the mode page on
your SyQuest correctly each time you boot.  Check it out...
Richard Todd	rmtodd at  rmtodd at
	rmtodd at servalan.uucp

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