Orchid cache for Mac II vs A/UX 2.0

Benjamin I. Goldfarb goldfarb at ucf-cs.UCF.EDU
Fri Jul 27 07:44:30 AEST 1990

I have a Mac II with PMMU and an Orchid Cache board (I forget the product's
real name, but if you have one, you'll know it). The Orchid board has to be
disabled to run A/UX 1.1, leading me to believe that the same is true for
A/UX 2.0, which I've just ordered. Does anyone have any personal experience
to support or refute my conjecture?

One of these days I'll get the IIfx upgrade and buy a big chunk of memory,
but for now I'm stuck with the 8 meg II. The cache card renders its MacOS
speed more respectable than a stock II. Anyone want dibs on it when I do the

Ben Goldfarb
Department of Computer Science
University of Central Florida
goldfarb at eola.ucf.edu

				Ben Goldfarb
				University of Central Florida
				uucp: {decvax,codas,peora}!ucf-cs!goldfarb
				Internet: goldfarb.ucf-cs at relay.cs.net

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