TCP/IP through a Gatorbox with AUX 2.0

powers at powers at
Sat Jun 30 05:26:34 AEST 1990

In article <381 at afsg.Apple.COM>, ron at afsg.Apple.COM (Ron Flax) writes:
> Unfortunately it is not possible to run TCP/IP over
> localtalk wires, which is what it sounds like you are trying
> to do..  You can run TCP/IP over ethernet and/or serial
> lines using SL/IP (serial line internet protocol).  SL/IP
> links are point-to-point, that is, you can connect two
> systems together via SL/IP and they can communicate, but you
> cannot connect many systems to the same wire as in an
> ethernet connection.
> Since you have a GatorBox, you must have an ethernet, why
> not do yourself a favor and buy an ethernet card?  You CAN
> run both TCP/IP and EtherTalk (AppleTalk protocols over
> ethernet hardware) at the same time.  That means that you
> can use FTP, TELNET, SMTP, rlogin, rcp, etc.. over the same
> ethernet card that you use to access your printers,
> AppleShare Fileservers, etc.. the only hitch is that you
> must have a Phase 2 EtherTalk network.  I'm not sure if
> Cayman Systems GatorBox software supports Phase 2 just yet.
> It should but I don't know for sure if it does or not.
> --ron

We do have an ethernet, and I have a VAX that I can do SLIP with, I used
to have an ethernet card but it failed the smoke test a couple weeks ago :-(
and I don't have the money to replace it yet.  

Next question...Since I'm going to be in the market for an Enet card soon what
do you all recommend ?  My last one was a kinetics card, I want to go as
inexpensive as possible.

Last question (this post)... Under MacOS I can print to my LaserWriter no
problem, under AUX I can select the LaserWriter with chooser, then when I go to
print the machine hangs.  The mouse moves, but everything else is unresponsive.
I've tried printing from Word4, and from TextEditor.


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