Request for help on setting up Syquest removable hard disk

Ned Rhodes rhodes at
Tue Mar 20 01:58:04 AEST 1990

	I am using a MicroTech R45 Syquest drive under A/UX.  The fact
that it is removable does not hurt its usability under A/UX.  When I
don't want to leave it spinning, I unmount it and then re-mount it
later.  I used Tony Cooper's fixer routine and have not had a problem
with the drive under A/UX.
Ned W. Rhodes                   (703) 534-2297 (voice)
Software Systems Group          (703) 237-9654 (fax)
2001 North Kenilworth Street	CompuServe : 71321,424
Arlington, VA  22205            rhodes at grebyn.COM

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