Ethernet card/driver for Mac IIfx & AUX 2.0

E Drew Einhorn ADV.SCI.Inc einhorn at
Wed Sep 19 03:31:53 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep15.193047.11354 at> I wrote:
>>So far so good.  Followed Jims instructions and built an new kernel.
>>Rebooted.  A/UX came up without a hitch.  Fixed up my /etc/hosts.
>>Installed the card in the IIci.  Hooked it up to the ethernet.
>>Rebooted another time.  Tried a ping.  "sendto: Network is unreachable".
>>Did a netstat.  There is no route.  Time to read TFM.

Didn't find the answer in TFM (It may be there).  Found the solution by
trial and error.

I did not understand the automatic kernel reconfiguration process. I
now believe that ethernet card must be installed in the nubus when the
installation script is run.  I had thought the installation script just
insured that the pieces of the kernel were left in the right places and
the nubus was not interrogated until the time of the actual boot.  When
I reran the installation script with the ethernet card installed and
then rebooted the system one more time:  the startup script was
executed, I was prompted to enter an IP address, broadcast address, and
netmask, /etc/NETADDRS was built, and the ethernet connection came up.
Thanks Jim for making the drivers available and for your suggestions.

On to the next problem.  Apple Tech Support says that I need to get a
patch tape from Sun before my NFS mount will work and they will call me
back later with more info.  Called Sun with with partial info and they
are sending me a patch file.

I think this news group needs a period posting
of where to find resources, especially a list of known problems and the
solutions or workarounds.

 einhorn at

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