GNU - FSF against A/UX !!

Kurt Baumann kdb at
Fri Sep 7 01:44:43 AEST 1990

In article <456 at adiron.UUCP>, richf at adiron.UUCP (Rick Fanta) writes:
> Slimeball companies stop at nothing.  How can you (with a clear conscience)
> port GNU software?  If Apple is going to continue with "Sadaam Hussein-like"
> lawsuits (I stole it fair and square, therefore it's mine) it has no business
> with any FSF product!
> May the source be with you!
> Death to slimeball software hoarders and their legions of lawyers!
> After the revolution, things will be different!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rick Fanta

One would also ask why slimeball companies like FSF, which I have finally
figured out means "free the software from everyone but the FSF".  Do any
of you realize that there is a CD-ROM being "SOLD" for a consiberable sum
of money?  Does this sound like free software to you?  Also, why is it ok
for FSF to "make" money off of other peoples efforts, but it isn't ok for
other companies to make money off of their own efforts?  Doesn't this sound
just a bit hypocritical?  Has anyone ever given thought to the fact that
FSF is making money off of other peoples efforts in adding features, fixing
bugs, etc. in GNU software?  

Can someone please explain to me why FSF should make money off of something
that I added to some GNU software and gave back to the masses for free? 
Where is my cut?
Kurt Baumann
703.709.9896 FAX

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