g++ port (and other gnu questions)

John Coolidge coolidge at cs.uiuc.edu
Thu Sep 13 08:06:56 AEST 1990

gerson at parc.xerox.com (Dan Gerson) writes:
>[...] I was wondering if anyone has already done this.  If so,
>could you let me know where I can find the files on internet, or maybe mail me a
>diff file?

Yes, I did a port of g++ several months ago. The binaries and sources
from that patch are available on wuarchive.wustl.edu (in systems/aux/gnu),
and I've just put the patch itself there. I'm planning on putting out
a new version sometime soon incorporating the newer gcc patches, but
for the moment I don't have anything ready to go.


John L. Coolidge     Internet:coolidge at cs.uiuc.edu   UUCP:uiucdcs!coolidge
Of course I don't speak for the U of I (or anyone else except myself)
Copyright 1990 John L. Coolidge. Copying allowed if (and only if) attributed.
You may redistribute this article if and only if your recipients may as well.

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