Few simple A/UX questions

Thad P Floryan thad at cup.portal.com
Wed Sep 12 17:39:02 AEST 1990

liam at cs.qmw.ac.uk (William Roberts) in <2771 at sequent.cs.qmw.ac.uk> writes:


	I'd also appreciate it if Mr "millions of lines of code" doesn't start
	whingeing about "proprietary formats" again - I tend to use the tools

No problem.  Some other companies during the past several weeks GAVE me some
SVR3.2 and SVR4 boxes upon which to port my software; if it also works under
A/UX, then fine, but I'm no longer immediately concerned about problems with
A/UX.  Apple itself is using my product on its in-house VAXes and that's fine
with me.

Perhaps in the future you'll realize the benefit of ABI (Application Binary
Interface) and the other goodies of a more-modern UNIX; I don't see those
capabilities existing with an A/UX based on SVR2 and BSD4.2 circa 1983-1984.

What amazes me, though, is that in 21 of 27 emails I received (including some
from A/UX Development Team members), I was asked (paraphrased):

	If you didn't care for or want the MacOS, why'd you get A/UX?

I simply wanted to run UNIX on some of the hardware I already have at hand.
Is that so difficult to comprehend?  Or is there another vendor's UNIX also
available for the Mac II platforms?


Thad Floryan [ thad at cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

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