databases for a/ux

Henry Dai hdai at
Thu Sep 20 11:19:47 AEST 1990

> Path: oracle!pyramid!decwrl!wuarchive!!usc!snorkelwacker!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!analytik!bk
> From: bk at (Bengt KLEBERG)
> Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux
> Subject: databases for a/ux
> Keywords: db, a/ux
> Message-ID: <169 at>
> Date: 19 Sep 90 12:28:01 GMT
> Lines: 9

> Hi,
> Anybody knows of big, commercial databases (sybase, ingress, ...)
> that are/will be available under a/ux???
> Regards
> Bengt
> bk at

Version 6 of Oracle will be available on 2.0 AUX.  Currently, the beta
version of V6 Oracle is available on AUX 2.0 .  The production version
will be coming out around Nov.  V5 Oracle is available on AUX 1.1 as well.

Henry Dai

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