
Steve Anderson anderson at csli.Stanford.EDU
Thu Sep 20 07:21:57 AEST 1990

In article <3542 at>, scfisher at (Fisher) writes:
> Now for my next problem, does anyone know of a screensaver
> that uses little cpu resources, and will work when the login prompt is
> showing?
As someone pointed out here a few weeks ago, there's a way to make
screensavers work when the login prompt is up. Just pull down the
About...  box to display all those signatures. If you leave that up,
the screensaver will kick in on schedule. At least Moire does (put it
in the startup system folder). When you want to login, just move the
mouse and then click it (to make the about screen go away) to get back
to the login prompt.

Steve Anderson
Cognitive Science Center
The Johns Hopkins University

<anderson at>

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