GNU - FSF against A/UX !!

Ron Flax ron at
Mon Sep 3 05:03:53 AEST 1990

In article <356 at public.BTR.COM> pke at public.BTR.COM (Peter Espen pke at writes:
>Subject: GNU under A/UX 2.0 ???
>From: rms at AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman)
>The FSF is not going to support any software on AUX because of the
>danger posed to future free software development by Apple's lawsuit.
>  Apple is paying a price for it's lawsuit!  Any comments??

Not really.. most of the necessary GNU software has been successfully
ported to A/UX (emacs, gcc, g++, gdb) and is available for anonymous
ftp on the internet.  You just can't get it from FSF.. but it's still
available and in just as good shape as that which one might get from
FSF directly.

>Peter Espen
>pke at

Ron Flax
ron at

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