A/UX as, gcc mathlib-68881.h

William Roberts liam at cs.qmw.ac.uk
Wed Sep 12 05:31:33 AEST 1990

I have noticed that the mathlib-68881.h file that comes with gcc
has inline asm statements for three math functions that include
the symbolic double precision constant


This is understood by gas to be 0x7FF0000FFFFFFFF, but the A/UX assembler
just objects to it (A/UX 2.0 - I presume the same is true of 1.*).

Is this an oversight or should I pick up the very latest gcc from apple.com?

William Roberts                 ARPA: liam at cs.qmw.ac.uk
Queen Mary & Westfield College  UUCP: liam at qmw-cs.UUCP
Mile End Road                   AppleLink: UK0087
LONDON, E1 4NS, UK              Tel:  071-975 5250 (Fax: 081-980 6533)

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