stat(), lstat() again.

Jim Jagielski jim at
Tue Sep 18 03:09:55 AEST 1990

In article <4062 at ursa-major.SPDCC.COM> dyer at (Steve Dyer) writes:
>>PPS:  I understand C quite well thank you... 
>It doesn't seem so.
>I would be very wary of taking a device driver written by someone who
>exhibits the kind of misunderstanding of pointers which you have here.
>This is not a personal dig, just a reasonable observation.

FLAME ON:	Okay. so it was a friday and  I was tired and I wrote a posting
  before I stopped to see what the hell I was writing. True, I was trying to
  save face with all this crap about compilers and so forth. However, these
  were observations from myself, others and assembler code from 3 different
  compilers running through this self same code. Some compilers WON'T let
  you pass structures to functions as is canon K&R. Some compilers WILL,
  when you tell the pointer to point to NULL, have the pointer point to
  space which is big enuff for whatever the pointer is a pointer to. This is
  a fact. What the problem was was that I was looking at the code without
  THINKING about the code... I guess someone as perfect as you has never done
  THAT before. As far as you thinking I don't understand C, well, I beg to
  differ. Everyone has off days with C and can't recall what they wrote or
  what they mean, except of course yourself. I've written a bunch of C code,
  dude and it hasn't been all 100% perfect, but no one's is, except yours,
  of course.

  I can't wait till YOU make a mistake, so I can knock your ass down!

  PS: What device drivers are you talking about asshole? The EtherPortII
      drivers???????? THEY are from Kinetics... I simply tared them together
      and made them available to people... oh yeah, I DID happen to change
      a "BNET" to "bnet_dr" in the install script... Hope to hell I can
      use vi to your satisfaction! I could go on about you thinking that I
      wrote these drivers as being a stupid mistake, but I won't.


Now, we return you to your regularly scheduled group...

#include <std/disclaimer.h>
           Jim Jagielski                    NASA/GSFC, Code 711.1
     jim at               Greenbelt, MD 20771

"Kilimanjaro is a pretty tricky climb. Most of it's up, until you reach
 the very, very top, and then it tends to slope away rather sharply."

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