X11 for A/UX

Steve Anderson anderson at csli.Stanford.EDU
Fri Sep 7 22:38:41 AEST 1990

I recently received Apple's X package to go with A/UX 2.0. Some

(a) How can I get X11 to work when my login shell is other than sh or
csh (or ksh, I suppose)? I use /usr/local/bin/bash, which works fine
with A/UX. When I try to start an X11 session, it starts up the
server, and then crashes into console mode with a message
Xterm: Error 18 errno 22: bad argument
This happens at the point where it's trying to start the first xterm
(the one that serves as the console, not mentioned in .x11start). When
I change my shell to csh, everything starts up fine. Is there
someplace other than /etc/shells where a shell has to be registered
for X11 to be able to use it in the console window?

(b) How can I get X11 to recognize that I have a color monitor? It
seems to think I have a 1-bit screen, although everything I can think
of to set treats my Apple color monitor (with either the IIci builtin
video or a SuperMac ColorCard/24) as 8 bits. I thought the X11 server
was auto-configuring.

(c) I have a separate partition for /usr, precisely because I wanted
to add X (and GNU, and AKCL, and.....) software on top of the A/UX
distribution. When installing X, I couldn't see any graceful way to
get the X stuff installed on that partition: if I told it to install
on /, finstall complained that there wasn't enough room there (there
isn't...  but when it puts things in "usr/lib/X11" on / they'll go in
the larger partition), while if I told it to install on /usr, it put
everything into /usr/usr/lib.... etc. I did the latter, and then moved
everything to where it belonged, but there must be a more graceful

Steve Anderson
Cognitive Science Center
The Johns Hopkins University

anderson at sapir.cog.jhu.edu

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