Hint about A/UX Startup

Justin Walker justin at Apple.COM
Mon Sep 24 10:57:38 AEST 1990

In article <%[dgf2.#m9 at smurf.sub.org> urlichs at smurf.sub.org (Matthias Urlichs) writes:
>In comp.unix.aux, article <44797 at apple.Apple.COM>,
>  chuq at Apple.COM (The Wandering Phew) writes:
>< liam at cs.qmw.ac.uk (William Roberts) writes:
> ...
>NB: Memory (mine) states that the kernel debugger only works with a 9600 baud
>terminal on the modem port. Assuming that I don't have one of these, and that
>this information is correct, is there any reason I should include the kernel
>debugger, and/or load the kernel symbol table (that's what the "-s" option to
>launch does)?
	Your memory states well (:-}); there is no need to load the symbol
	table or configure the kernel debugger unless you really want them
	(or have a desire to chew up memory ...)

>Matthias Urlichs -- urlichs at smurf.sub.org -- urlichs at smurf.ira.uka.de     /o)\
>Humboldtstrasse 7 - 7500 Karlsruhe 1 - FRG -- +49+721+621127(0700-2330)   \(o/


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large   (justin at apple.com) *
A/UX Group                              *------------------|
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