Startup files <was: why can't I su to root?>

Ray Shwake shwake at raysnec.UUCP
Tue Sep 18 23:38:24 AEST 1990

anderson at csli.Stanford.EDU (Steve Anderson) writes:

>The tcsh on works fine, except for one thing: when I
>login with this as my shell, it doesn't run my .login, apparently. The
>same thing happens with bash as my login shell. Only when my default
>shell is sh or csh is .login run.

	Well, if your sh is running .login, it isn't working as a standard
	Bourne shell. Bourne shell should only know about, and run, .profile.
	C shell will (or should) run .cshrc, then .login. Don't know what
	tcsh "should" do, as we don't run it here.

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