Ethernet card/driver for Mac IIfx & AUX 2.0

Jim Jagielski jim at
Mon Sep 17 20:59:36 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep15.193047.11354 at> einhorn at (E Drew Einhorn ADV.SCI.Inc) writes:
>So far so good.  Followed Jims instructions and built an new kernel.
>Rebooted.  A/UX came up without a hitch.  Fixed up my /etc/hosts.
>Installed the card in the IIci.  Hooked it up to the ethernet.
>Rebooted another time.  Tried a ping.  "sendto: Network is unreachable".
>Did a netstat.  There is no route.  Time to read TFM.

Make sure that the /etc/NETADDRS file is correct as well as /etc/HOSTNAME

>Found instructions about a bunch of stuff I had already done.  Took a 
>closer look at the files that came from Jim's tar file.  startup_ep is
>a script that is installed as /etc/startup.d/ep, it asks questions and
>sets a lot of things up that need to be setup.  What command do I have
>to issue to get its argument list built and the script executed?

This script should be run when the EPII-kernel is booted for the 1st time.
It gets the host name, domain name, IP adrresss, etc... from the user and puts
them in the appropriate files: /etc/HOSTNAME and /etcNETADDRS. If you remove
these files and reboot, the script should be rerun again, otherwise edit them
to what they should be.

The formats of the files are:

HOSTNAME: 1st field = host name
	  2nd field = domain name

NETADDRS: 1st field = Ethernet logical unit #
	  2nd field = IP address
	  3rd field = IP broadcast address
	  4th field = netmask

Good luck!
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
           Jim Jagielski                    NASA/GSFC, Code 711.1
     jim at               Greenbelt, MD 20771

"Kilimanjaro is a pretty tricky climb. Most of it's up, until you reach
 the very, very top, and then it tends to slope away rather sharply."

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