YA /dev/scsi for low-level user SCSI access

Matthias Urlichs urlichs at smurf.sub.org
Thu Sep 20 06:43:35 AEST 1990

In comp.unix.aux, article <1990Sep19.021148.17831 at portia.Stanford.EDU>,
  roadman at portia.Stanford.EDU (arthur walker) writes:
< Here is a simple /dev/scsi driver for A/UX 1.1 and 2.0 
< which allows user-level access to the SCSI bus.
< It is written by Tony Cooper, who for the time being
< is unable to post for northern hemisphere distribution.
< Send mail to Tony Cooper at the address below.
Thanks, Tony, for sharing this code.

Now for something more ambitious ...
- Changing the code so that you _can't_ trash the kernel (at least, not that
  easily ;-). Probably do some dynamic allocation while we're at it.
- Implementing a patch to _SCSIDispatch so that things like Retrospect,
  or your favorite scanner, will work again.

The only real difficulty is, of course, MacOS programs which access the data
they're trying to read before calling _SCSIComplete.
I hope there aren't too many of these...

I'll implement that, if no one else beats me to it.
(Probably going to take some time, though.)

Matthias Urlichs -- urlichs at smurf.sub.org -- urlichs at smurf.ira.uka.de     /(o\
Humboldtstrasse 7 - 7500 Karlsruhe 1 - FRG -- +49+721+621127(0700-2330)   \o)/

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