GNU - FSF against A/UX !!

John Kullmann jk at Apple.COM
Fri Sep 7 02:10:32 AEST 1990

In article <456 at adiron.UUCP> richf at adiron.UUCP (Rick Fanta) writes:
>Slimeball companies stop at nothing.  How can you (with a clear conscience)
>port GNU software?  If Apple is going to continue with "Sadaam Hussein-like"
>lawsuits (I stole it fair and square, therefore it's mine) it has no business
>with any FSF product!
>May the source be with you!
>Death to slimeball software hoarders and their legions of lawyers!
>After the revolution, things will be different!

Rick- Since you FSF'ers flamed me for posting in the gnu group I feel
compelled to do the same. Please keep your pseudo-political-techno-babble
out of this actually useful newsgroup. We don't really care whether you
want or think we should get gnu s/w running under a/ux. in fact, it's amazingly
hypocritical to tell us not to, as that goes completely against the whole
gnu concept. please keep your nonsense in one of those gnu groups.

Up with GNU and A/UX! <- oh oh, mentioned both in same sentence.


John Kullmann
A/UX Engineering Manager
jk at

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