Spectrum 8/II <-> A/UX Incompatibility?

Joel M. Miller jmm at skivs.UUCP
Fri Sep 21 17:32:46 AEST 1990

About a week ago I complained that my SuperMac Spectrum 8 Series II
video board seemed to prevent A/UX from launching.  A few other readers
of this group thought this was possible, and some had related worries
about upgrades they were planning.

A call to SuperMac Tech Support (408-245-0646) confirmed that early
versions of the ROM would not support A/UX.  They sent me the "2.0
ROM upgrade" at no charge, I just installed it, and A/UX comes up fine!

If you contact SuperMac about this, be prepared to give the numbers
on the ROM (it's the big socketted DIP chip), so they can tell if
you have the old version.
Joel M Miller                    Internet: jmm at skivs.ski.org
Smith-Kettlewell Institute       Usenet:   fernwood!skivs!jmm
2232 Webster St                  Bitnet:   jmm%skivs.ski.org at fernwood.mpk.ca.us
San Francisco, CA 94115          Voice:    415/561-1703     Fax: 415/561-1610

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