Apple 160mb drive question

Vicki Brown vlb at
Wed Sep 12 02:37:05 AEST 1990

In article <2770 at> liam at (William Roberts) writes:
>In <3453 at wrgate.WR.TEK.COM> herbw at midas.WR.TEK.COM (Herb Weiner) writes:
>>In article <6046 at memqa.uucp>, qfhca81 at memqa.uucp (Henry Melton) asks:
>>> From the books, it seems as if there ought to be a large slice 3
>>> partition that I could mount, but it is hiding from me.  I looked in
>>> /dev/dsk and /dev/rdsk and there is no c0d0s3 to be found.
>>You need to use mknod to add these.  I don't have my manuals handy
>Pname will do the job for you. That partition exists so that people with
>larger 80 meg disks can take advantage of the extra space. You will need to
>use dp to extend the partition size a lot if you want to use it for the
>whole of the rest of your 160 Meg disk.
>Larger 80 Meg disks? Apple decided on a minimum acceptable size of an
>"80 Megabyte disk" and will use any disk that provides at least that much
>space, buying from different suppliers at different times. The older HD80SC
>external disks don't have as many physical sectors as the newer Quantum
>internal 80 meg drives, for example.

Pname is the reason the device node is missing in the first place :-)

If you use HDSC Setup (or if SilverLining does its job right), the slice 3
partition will be the right size to accomodate the rest of your disk when
you set things up.  There is no need to use dp to extend it.  That is, there
will be a partition (slightly > 80MB) on a 160MB disk, all ready to use.

If you have an (older) HD80, you'll see a 1K slice 3 partition.
The reason for this is because we couldn't say "grow from 0 to n".
   Vicki Brown   A/UX Development Group		Apple Computer, Inc.
   Internet: vlb at			MS 58A, 10440 Bubb Rd.	
   UUCP: {sun,amdahl,decwrl}!apple!vlb		Cupertino, CA  95014 USA
              Ooit'n Normaal Mens Ontmoet?  En..., Beviel't?
          (Did you ever meet a normal person?  Did you enjoy it?)

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