Upgrading to A/UX 2.0

Joel M. Miller jmm at skivs.UUCP
Wed Sep 12 04:35:31 AEST 1990

Here's a pretty basic question: How do I install an A/UX floppy set on an
Apple 80 MB disk that currently contains A/UX 1.1?  I would normally follow
installation instructions, but none were included with my "floppy disk product"
(did I need to purchase an "installation instructions product"??).  I tried
running the "A/UX Install" program on the first floppy, but it seems to 
go immediately to start up (rather than install) A/UX.  People I can reach
at Apple recognize the name A/UX, but know nothing about it.

I am knowledgable about Unix at the System Manager level, and so really just
need help in getting off the ground.  Has anyone out there done this
1.1 to 2.0 upgrade?
Joel M Miller                    Internet: jmm at skivs.ski.org
Smith-Kettlewell Institute       Usenet:   {fernwood,uunet}!skivs!jmm
2232 Webster St                  Bitnet:   jmm%skivs.ski.org at fernwood.mpk.ca.us
San Francisco, CA 94115          Voice:    415/561-1703     Fax: 415/561-1610

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