Appletalk Woes.....

Eric Christensen edc at
Fri Sep 21 10:46:12 AEST 1990


Now that I've got that out of my system....

I've just installed AUX 2.0 on my IIfx and have everything running
fine except for the AppleTalk. I've gone through the system with a
fine tooth comb and cant seem to find what's wrong. I have verified
that the appletalkrc is correct, my EtherNet board (standard Apple NB)
is working (at least TCP/IP is working), and the kernel is configured
for appletalk. It all works fine in MacOS, it just doesn't find any of
my zones in AUX.

Now, the ethernet I'm connected to is still running Phase 1, and I
don't have a Fastpath around that I can configure as a transition
bridge. This makes me suspect that AUX 2.0 only supports Phase 2. Does
this make sense? If so, can it support phase 1? And what's the trick?

Just to reinforce my theory, I noticed that appletalk -s shows more
packets received than transmitted, so it MUST be seeing traffic from
one of my Phase II networks or something.

edc_mac.root 1 # appletalk -s
AppleTalk interface: EtherTalk (ae0)
	Network Number .................. 65314 (0xff22)
	Node ID ......................... 35 (0x23)

	Bridge number ................... 0 (0x0)
	Bridge net ...................... 0 (0x0)
	Packets Transmitted ............. 65
	Bytes Transmitted ............... 2111
	Best Router Cache used (pkts) ... 0
	Packets Received ................ 188
	Bytes Received .................. 5419
	Packets for unregistered socket . 0
	Packets for out of range socket . 0
	Length errors ................... 0
	Checksum errors ................. 0
	Packets dropped (no buffers) .... 0 

Also, just a few minutes ago I got about 20 messages like the following
on my console:

****                  An AppleTalk Router just came up.                 ****
****              This Node's address is in  startup range.             ****
**** Shutdown and Restart AppleTalk to use full AppleTalk functionality ****

of course restarting appletalk didn't do sh*t. Still the same symptoms.
I did just notice that the recieved packet count increases by 2 every
time I don an appletalk -s, so that might not mean anything.

Anyone run up against this? Any bright ideas (don't suggest suicide,
I've already contemplated it! :-) Or should I just write this off to 
"Slahing my wrists with the cutting edge of technology"?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

|Eric Christensen  -  Sr. System Administrator  - Novell Inc., Info Services|
|Email: edc at NOVELL.COM        {ames | apple | mtxinu | leadsv }!excelan!edc |

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