EtherPortII and the IIfx

Jim Jagielski jim at
Fri Sep 14 21:26:18 AEST 1990

This message is mainly to Paul Caloca, but also for anyone else who may

I am upgrading my MacII (with the Daystar 50MHz Powercard) to a IIfx. I
really need to know if the system will continue to work using the EtherPortII
card and the 1.1 drivers. They work now, and I hope that the change over
to the IIfx won't create problems!
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
           Jim Jagielski                    NASA/GSFC, Code 711.1
     jim at               Greenbelt, MD 20771

"Kilimanjaro is a pretty tricky climb. Most of it's up, until you reach
 the very, very top, and then it tends to slope away rather sharply."

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