Using an optical drive w/ AUX

Ron Flax ron at
Sat Sep 29 12:01:26 AEST 1990

In article <84189 at> <thamer at> writes:
>  Has anyone had any success using an optical drive (ie. MacInstor)
>as additional storage for AUX?  How do you tell AUX to access the
>optical ?  The main system is on a HD80, but we want to use an
>optical for an additional 512MB of user storage.

I have the Sony drive (don't recall the number I at home), and it acts
just like any other reasonable SCSI disk drive.. I have to manually
mount/umount it if I want to eject the disk, but asside from that it
works just fine.  No special drivers.  It is SLOW though, so I tend to
just use it for backups.

Ron Flax
ron at	
Apple Federal Systems Group

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